In today’s divided political climate, this idea is especially important. I struggle greatly with how to follow Jesus’ command to love my enemy when simply having a conversation about our differences is seemingly impossible. Thanks for the thoughts.
From Donnie Holliday: Thanks for sharing Tim. Good stuff here! I really like the “we cancel things” idea. This is a great point and shows that part of the problem with cancel culture is that it dehumanizes people. That always leads to problems.
From Don Jenkins: Nice commentary, I greatly fear how divisive our society has become. Clearly there are things that need correcting in our society, but we should as a society resist throwing the baby out with the bath water. Everything and everyone in our history was not evil, though no historical person was even near perfect. Many historical events were questionable as well, but not all of them. Evil people did bad things, but many people did good things as well. I know that there are many people who are impatient for change, but I believe as Jefferson said in the Declaration that “ prudence dictates” being care about abolishing systems long existing. There must be legitimate compromises if our society is to survive. I fear few are willing to do that. Sorry to be long winded, but a worry a lot for my grandsons. Only by returning to God as a country can we hope to survive, but I don’t know if we as a society willing to try.
In today’s divided political climate, this idea is especially important. I struggle greatly with how to follow Jesus’ command to love my enemy when simply having a conversation about our differences is seemingly impossible. Thanks for the thoughts.
From Donnie Holliday: Thanks for sharing Tim. Good stuff here! I really like the “we cancel things” idea. This is a great point and shows that part of the problem with cancel culture is that it dehumanizes people. That always leads to problems.
From Cappy Rearick: Great piece, Tim. Beautifully written
From Don Jenkins: Nice commentary, I greatly fear how divisive our society has become. Clearly there are things that need correcting in our society, but we should as a society resist throwing the baby out with the bath water. Everything and everyone in our history was not evil, though no historical person was even near perfect. Many historical events were questionable as well, but not all of them. Evil people did bad things, but many people did good things as well. I know that there are many people who are impatient for change, but I believe as Jefferson said in the Declaration that “ prudence dictates” being care about abolishing systems long existing. There must be legitimate compromises if our society is to survive. I fear few are willing to do that. Sorry to be long winded, but a worry a lot for my grandsons. Only by returning to God as a country can we hope to survive, but I don’t know if we as a society willing to try.
From Ann Camp: Thanks Tim. Interesting.
From Jan Hudson: Thank you for sharing this well written and thought provoking article. I enjoyed it very much.